Massage Incline Village: Healing Grief

Life is full of ups and downs. While we can only hope that we experience more of the happy moments in life, there's inevitably going to be doses of sadness. That being said, grief affects each and every one of us at one point or another. Grieving the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship or relocating away from friends and family is difficult, and, takes time.The coping mechanisms we employ to deal with grief vary from person to person. For some, grieving alone in separation from the rest of the world is efficient, while others turn to friends and family, finding it unbearable to deal with being alone. Some find being outdoors or turning to their favorite hobby to be most effective. Coping comes in many forms, but people don't commonly think to turn to their massage therapist when they encounter periods of grief.

Massage Incline Village: Healing Grief

Massage therapy is well known for healing physical pain; however, its emotional healing effects are often under appreciated. Still, the emotional healing qualities of massage get some attention. For example, after Alaskan Airlines flight 261 crashed in 2000 off the coast of California, massage therapists were among the grief specialists employed to help those affected by the tragedy. It was noted that in a matter of 30 minutes, massage therapists seemed to be able to accomplish what psychologists accomplished in two hours or more.Touch therapy is often regarded as a richer form of therapy, using the sense of touch to accomplish what words can’t do alone. Massage therapists use specific movements to remove blockages that interrupt important mind-body connections. In addition to realigning the flow of energy within our bodies, massage therapy adjusts our bodies to a more comfortable state. By doing so, the body is rebalanced to a healthier state, encouraging the production of endorphins—hormones that boost our mood and are incredibly useful during the healing process.Unfortunately, we will all experience moments of grief at one point or another in our lives. Keep a massage in mind the next time you find yourself grieving—it may just be what you need to move on. 


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