Incline Village Massage: Taking Time for You

Fall is upon us. The kids are back in the swing of school, allowing for a short time between now and the frantic holiday season to find time to relax and rejuvenate (possibly with an Incline Village massage).Taking steps to find time for yourself might come naturally to some individuals, but if you struggle to create “you time,” just know you're not alone, as this is much more common than you might expect. While to some it may seem like a luxury that simply can’t be afforded, taking time to yourself should not be placed on the backburner of your priorities.

Boost Your Health with an Incline Village Massage

Getting the time that you need to relax, unwind and simply do something for yourself is more than just enjoyable—it’s actually good for your health.It all begins with your heart. Studies have shown that finding time to relax and take part in activities that you find enjoyable actually reduces your risk for heart attack, hypertension, high blood pressure and other heart-related diseases and illnesses.In addition to boosting your heart health, relaxation also boosts brain functions. Studies show that even just a few minutes each day to unwind and clear your mind increases your memory abilities while reducing the likelihood of suffering a stroke. Plus, when you are making enough time to relax, you can say goodbye to expensive and uncomfortable diet plans. Why? Relaxing actually helps keep you slim. Stress makes it difficult to control your appetite, making it easier to say yes to fatty, processed, quick, artificial foods that you would regularly aim to avoid (e.g. those chips in the nearby vending machine, the candy bars at the gas station). So, the next time you want help justifying that extra day at the spa or visit to San Soma, think of your fitness goals.It's autumn, and it's a great time of year to take advantage of the time you have now and make it your own. Whether the kids are back in school or you have a break now before the holiday season (and the guests) arrive, take time daily to indulge in yourself and simply relax.


Massage Incline Village: Healing Grief


Sleep Better with San Soma's Massage in Incline Village