Stress is the top reason people seek massage therapy, and for good reason. Our lives are full of little stressors that damage our immune system and overall wellbeing. Stress, however frequent or intense, is a nasty hindrance to your natural healing system, and can counteract other health efforts if not properly managed. While the majority of therapeutic techniques offer stress relief, Reiki is especially well known for powerful stress reduction. While you've probably heard the term before, you may be wondering "What is Reiki?"Reiki is a revered Japanese therapy technique that reduces stress and promotes natural healing. The term “Reiki” means Universal Life Force Energy. According to Japanese philosophy, this energy represents all energy that flows through us and within us, creating a connection between our bodies and everything else. When connections get blocked or distorted, the build up causes physical and emotional pain.Reiki reduces the effects of stress while also balancing your body to relieve blocked energy on its own. This therapeutic technique can also be used in conjunction with other medical or holistic healing methods to aid in trauma or injury recovery.Wellness Benefits of Reiki Deep Relaxation

  • Reduces effects of stress

  • Clears blocked energy

  • Induces better sleep patterns.

Rejuvenates Your Immune System

  • Stimulates the body’s immune system to improve health.

  • Reduces blood pressure

Reduces Chronic Pain

  • Treats chronic pain and problems such as asthma, eczema and headaches

  • Reduces pain from traumatic injury

Heals Your Emotional Wellbeing

  • Reduces emotional distress and grieving by clearing emotions.

  • Reiki has also been known to improve reception of empathy

The SessionReiki is administered by anyone who has received specific Reiki training. The recipient remains fully clothed and sits or lies down depending on the comfort level. The practitioner offers light touch to the head, neck, shoulders and torso. In the instance of a wound, the practitioner will hold her hands above the body.The experience invites the recipient into a deep meditative state. While results vary among recipients, people typically experience subtle pulsations in their body. The first session for a recipient can either be dramatic, extremely subtle or somewhere in between. Because the work is light and driven by intention, willingness to be healed is a significant part of the process.An excellent massage relieves the mind and body while also restoring emotional balance through conscious touch. If you are looking to reduce stress, make an appointment with San Soma in Incline Village. San Soma offers a variety of therapeutic massage treatments to complement your health and wellness efforts. We’ll help you choose the ideal treatment for you.


Zero Balancing and the Energy Connection